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Starlink on the vessel. Experience of operating the global Internet on the vessel

Greetings! In this article, I invite you to familiarize yourself with my experience of using the Internet from Starlink in ship conditions. Before buying a Starlink for the purpose of operating it on a ship, read this article to understand what the pitfalls of this miracle technology are.

Starlink on the vessel. Experience in operating the global Internet on the vessel

This article is aimed at beginner users; here you will not find information about setting up traffic control routers.

Below is a list of issues that will be discussed in the article. They are divided into separate topics for convenience.

  1. How to purchase Starlink?
  2. How to install an antenna and router on the vessel?
  3. How to distribute the Internet and control traffic among the crew?
  4. What are the pitfalls when using Starlink on the vessel?
  5. Briefly about Starlink. What is Starlink?

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