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Showing posts with label Salwico Consilium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salwico Consilium. Show all posts


Need service! Autoprime Autronica Fire Alarm System. Troubleshooting

Greetings! Another article in the "blog" section, here I want to share with you some thoughts about the service that periodically has to be ordered for ships for the purpose of repair or maintenance of various ship systems.

Need service! Autoprime Autronica Fire Alarm System. Troubleshooting

Let me remind you that in the articles in the "blog" category I do not write some super useful information. It can be just some thoughts, reasoning or interesting stories from the sea life of an electrician. Although even in these articles someone will find something useful for themselves.

It so happened that the ship's Autoprime Autronica fire alarm completely failed. Of course, for the ETO and the entire crew this is a real headache. For the electrician, this is an endlessly long and laborious process of troubleshooting, for the management - endless correspondence with the office and superintendents, for the rest of the crew - additional watches. In general, everyone is tense, and especially the electrician.


Fire alarm system Salwico Consilium. Troubleshooting

Greetings! In this article, we'll look at some of the problems with the Salwico Consilium fire system on a 10+ year old vessel and how to troubleshoot these issues.

Fire alarm system Salwico Consilium. Troubleshooting

In the official instructions for this system, you can find a lot of information about the problems that occur during the operation of the Salwico fire alarm. But today we will consider only some of them.

General Troubleshooting Steps for Salwico Consilium Fire Alarm System (briefly)

Any fire system on a ship is powered by two sources (main switchboard and emergency switchboard, usually 220V), and additional batteries (usually two 12V each, connected in series).

Attention! If you have an old Salwico Consilium fire system on your vessel, avoid turning it off completely, as this may cause it to fail to boot later.

The first problem that happened with this system was error No. 158 BATTERY CABLE / FUSE FAULT

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