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Need service! Autoprime Autronica Fire Alarm System. Troubleshooting

Greetings! Another article in the "blog" section, here I want to share with you some thoughts about the service that periodically has to be ordered for ships for the purpose of repair or maintenance of various ship systems.

Need service! Autoprime Autronica Fire Alarm System. Troubleshooting

Let me remind you that in the articles in the "blog" category I do not write some super useful information. It can be just some thoughts, reasoning or interesting stories from the sea life of an electrician. Although even in these articles someone will find something useful for themselves.

It so happened that the ship's Autoprime Autronica fire alarm completely failed. Of course, for the ETO and the entire crew this is a real headache. For the electrician, this is an endlessly long and laborious process of troubleshooting, for the management - endless correspondence with the office and superintendents, for the rest of the crew - additional watches. In general, everyone is tense, and especially the electrician.

Background of the breakdown

The Autoprime Autronica marine fire alarm is a rather capricious Norwegian alarm system. Among the disadvantages of this system, I would like to note the fact that after each replacement of any sensor with a new one, it must be rebooted (to add sensors to the system). And if it so happens that you have frequent replacements of sensors with new ones (the ship is 7 years old and sensors are just starting to fly out), then you will have to reboot it very often.

ETOs who work on ships over 10 years old know that old equipment should be rebooted less often. This has to be done if nothing else helps to solve the problem. I will not describe specific examples here, but it often happens that the equipment "glitches" (especially old) and needs to be rebooted. So, after such reboots, it happens that the unit "dies" completely.

Instructions for replacing fire detectors Autoprime Autronica


* Detectors for AUTRONICA has auto address functions.

  1. Check and compare defective sensor with new sensor specifications.
  2. Replace defective sensor.
  3. Alarm will be generated. New sensor connected and will ask to transfer old sensor setting to new.
  4. Go to Next supervisory level to transfer old detector settings to new on settings. Password: 9999
  5. Go to setting and reset. Save new configuration. Then restart Fire detection panel.
  6. Finish system reboot (Loading all loop driver).

  • Loop Driver 1 – 56 Normal Operation
  • Loop Driver 2 – 51 Normal Operation
  • Loop Driver 3 – 51 Normal Operation
  • Loop Driver 4 – 10 Normal Operation
  • Panel Bus – 2 

Check if new detector registered under which loop. (Normally new sensor will appear at the last of list with the same address used in old sensor).

As you can see (from the instructions above), you need to install a new sensor and reboot the system from the menu so that the sensor is initialized and added to the program. That is, the sensor is addressed automatically here.

Video of replacing the Autoprime Autronica fire sensor

In this case, the new sensor must be exactly the same as the old one, for example, it can be a combined Heat + Smoke (i.e. reacts to both heat and smoke) and if you install only a Smoke sensor, the fire system will give an error, or rather add this sensor to the system, but at the same time an error will hang in place of the old one.

Here's another nuance, in Paint Store and Battery Room combined explosion-proof sensors are installed, when replacing them, only Ex proof sensors must be installed.

For comparison, in Salwico Consilium, Tyco Minerva or Japanese NIPPON HAKUYO systems, before installing a new sensor, it must be programmed (given an address) using a special programmer. In this case, the system does not need to be rebooted, just replace the sensor with a new one (having previously programmed the address) and the system will automatically "pick it up" for work.

Video of programming the Salwico Consilium fire detector

Video of programming the Tyco Minerva fire detector

In my case, at first it was like that, the detectors would "fly out" and had to be replaced. The detectors were changed very often (two or three times a week). Cleaning did not help, the detectors were mostly located in semi-open spaces (paint store, bosun store, hydraulics rooms on deck, etc.). Cleaning did not help not only because of the poor condition of the detectors, but also because they were 10 years old (although the ship is 7 years old).

State of fire detectors in semi-open spacesState of fire detectors in semi-open spaces

State of fire detectors in semi-open spacesState of fire detectors in semi-open spaces
State of fire detectors in semi-open spaces

Of course, the nighttime wake-ups a couple of times a week because of the detectors were very "invigorating", so it was decided to simply change the detectors. Clean the old ones and put them aside for emergencies.

This mode of operation lasted for about a month and as a result the alarms ended. The system worked well without any errors, all problematic detectors were replaced.

What happened to the Autoprime Autronica fire alarm that I had to order a service?

After two months of quiet operation, false alarms started again. And after another sensor replacement and system reboot (according to the already familiar procedure), it did not boot, gave the error "System Fault" and stopped responding in any way.

System Fault on Autoronics
System Fault on Autronica

Multiple attempts were made to restore the system, mainly different versions of its reboot, but nothing helped. After a long correspondence with the office and the maker, it was necessary to order the Main Printed Board and call the service for its replacement.
An additional watch and patrols of the superstructure and engine room were temporarily established. In this situation, fortunately, the ship also had a separate Tyco Minerva sprinkler fire extinguishing system with its sensors, which partially covered the monitoring of the engine room.
Need service!

The troubleshooting didn't end with replacing the board, it had to be flashed (several times) and configuration files had to be "uploaded" there. It's good that these files were on the ship, because it was not possible to extract them from the old board. And all because this was not the first time (in the history of this ship) that the service was called. Only that time the problem was with some serious breaks and failures of entire loops.

The process of replacing the board
The process of replacing the board

The process of replacing the boardThe process of replacing the board

The process of replacing the boardThe process of replacing the board

The process of replacing the board
The process of replacing the board

The Main Printed Board BSA200
The Main Printed Board BSA200

By the way, technicians use the WAS-2000 to diagnose the integrity of the circuit. With such a tool, it is much easier and faster to find the problematic section of the loop than to do it with a multimeter (as I described in the article "Fire alarm system Salwico Consilium. Troubleshooting").

WAS-2000 Diagnostic System

Autronica Loop Diagnostic Tool AS2000Autronica Loop Diagnostic Tool AS2000
Autronica Loop Diagnostic Tool AS2000

Autronica Loop Diagnostic Tool AS2000 WAS-2000 is a tool that helps identify problems in fire alarm loops (i.e., communication lines that connect all devices such as detectors, alarms, and panels). With the help of AS2000, you can check the integrity and condition of the loop, find cable damage, breaks, short circuits, and other faults.

Also, while the system was not working, it turned out that a problem arose with some sensors and buttons. They had to be replaced.

Manual Call Point (MCP) Button Replacement Process
Manual Call Point (MCP) Button Replacement Process

How do you like the location of the Manual Call Point (MCP) button on the open deck? No wonder they can cause problems.

Service Report
1. New BSA200 board for Autroprime installed.

  • Old firmware: 2.0.2 on existing board.
  • On board the system was stuck in recovery mode so the configuration could not be loaded from the system.
  • The vessel had a backup configuration file as well as a configuration file built using the latest software. 
2. Replaced the board and restarted the system with the pre-installed firmware 2.1.8.

3. The system had a failure on the 4th loop.
  • The entire beam failed completely.
  • Checked with AS2000, all OK.
  • Checked the MCP manual call points which are external, some corrosion was found but nothing serious. When putting the A4010 manual call point back in, the pin was noticed to be broken so this MCP was replaced with a new unit from the vessel's spares.
  • Checked other call points, no issues found.
  • After a thorough troubleshooting, the problem could not be found.
  • 4. Maker reported that firmware 2.1.8 does not support the special MCP used externally. Therefore, the firmware version was downgraded to 2.1.5.
Now the error showed that loop 4 was not configured correctly, so the configuration file was imported again, now the errors are gone. 
5. Smoke sensors on loop 4 were checked, everything is fine now.

6. Loops 1, 2 and 3 were checked and found to be working.

A couple of important points
Important! On old fire systems, try to reboot the systems as little as possible. There is always a chance that after a reboot the system will stop working! Fight to the last with the sensors (perhaps a thorough cleaning will eventually give a positive result).
Important! Make backups of the fire system configurations, if they are not yet on the vessel. In the future, if there are problems, this will help to restore operability faster.
Below I suggest watching a short video selection on the Autoprime Autronica fire alarm. Perhaps some of these videos will be useful to you for working with the system.

Video of disabling the zone (sensors) Autoprime Autronica
Video of working with the Autronica fire alarm system
Video of testing the Autronica fire sensor
Video of the cleaning procedure for the Autronica fire sensor
Autoprime by Autronica is a modern Norwegian marine fire alarm system designed to detect and quickly respond to fires on ships. Autronica, with extensive experience in fire alarm systems, focuses on the marine market, creating solutions that can withstand the harsh conditions of the marine environment.

The Autoprime system is highly reliable and integrates various sensors to detect smoke, heat and other signs of fire. This allows for the precise location of the fire and immediate notification of the crew. Key features include:
  • Fast fire detection. Thanks to advanced algorithms and sensitive sensors, the system detects even small fires.
  • High immunity to false alarms. The system is configured to minimize false alarms, which is especially important on ships where conditions can provoke abnormal signals.
  • Support for various detector types. The system can use smoke, heat and combined sensors, which provides comprehensive protection.
  • Compatibility with other ship security systems. Autoprime can be integrated with other ship systems, such as automatic fire extinguishing and warning systems, which improves the overall efficiency of emergency response.
  • Easy to maintain and configure. The system is designed with personnel convenience in mind, which simplifies maintenance and diagnostic procedures.
Autronica's Autoprime ship fire alarm system is a reliable fire safety solution that meets stringent international standards such as SOLAS and other maritime regulations.
Need service! In conclusion, I would like to say that there is an opinion (usually among the narrow-minded) that electricians only call for service and do not cope with their work. In fact, this is not true, 95% of problems on a ship are solved by an electrician, but the case described above is not in his competence. The ship's fire alarm is a super important emergency system and in addition to replacing the board, it also needs to be flashed using special equipment. An electrician can do all this, but only if there is information and equipment, because in fact there is nothing complicated here. But there is also a Class, Register and Companies that provide guarantees for the operability of the equipment and take on this responsibility, so let everyone do their job, and do not touch the electrician! :)
Troubleshooting an Autoprime Autronica Fire Alarm System involves systematic checks to identify and resolve faults. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting steps:

1. Power Issues
  • The panel is unresponsive.
  • Display is blank or flickering.
  • Check the main power supply (230V/110V AC).
  • Verify the battery backup connection and charge level.
  • Inspect fuses and circuit breakers.
2. Communication Errors
  • "Communication failure" or "Loop failure" messages.
  • Check loop connections for loose wiring.
  • Inspect for damaged cables or ground faults.
  • Ensure correct addressing of loop devices.
  • Restart the control panel and monitor for error recurrence.
3. Device Faults (Detectors, MCPs, Sounders)
  • A detector, manual call point (MCP), or sounder is showing as faulty.
  • Remove and reseat the device.
  • Clean the detector (dust, dirt, or insects may cause false faults).
  • Replace faulty devices if cleaning does not resolve the issue.
  • Verify correct wiring and polarity.
4. False Alarms
  • The system frequently goes into alarm without a real fire condition.
  • Check for environmental factors (dust, humidity, high temperature).
  • Ensure proper detector placement (avoid near kitchens, steam sources).
  • Clean the affected detectors and recalibrate if needed.
  • Review alarm event logs to identify recurring issues.
5. Panel Faults or Software Issues
  • Panel displays "CPU fault" or "Configuration error."
  • Restart the panel (soft reset).
  • Verify the software configuration and correct any errors.
  • If using networking, check for IP conflicts or connection issues.
  • Update firmware or reload the configuration if necessary.
6. Sounder or Bell Circuit Fault
  • Alarm sounders or bells do not activate.
  • Check wiring connections to sounders.
  • Test output voltages at the sounder terminals.
  • Verify configuration settings in the panel.
  • Replace faulty sounders.
7. Ground Faults
  • "Earth fault" or "Ground fault" warning.
  • Inspect all wiring for damaged insulation.
  • Disconnect sections of the loop to isolate the fault.
  • Use a megohmmeter to check for grounding issues.
8. Network or Integration Issues
  • The system does not communicate with external monitoring or BMS.
  • Verify network settings (IP, subnet mask, gateway).
  • Check physical connections (LAN cables, fiber optics).
  • Restart network switches or routers if applicable.
Preventive Maintenance Tips
  • Regularly test the system as per NFPA/EN standards.
  • Keep the panel firmware up to date.
  • Conduct periodic cleaning of detectors.
  • Train personnel on system operation and fault response.
If you have had any interesting cases of working with the Autoprime Autronica ship fire alarm or you are interested in troubleshooting systems, then write in the comments to this article. I will be happy to take part in troubleshooting.
Manuals! If you need instructions, configuration files or software for the Autronica fire alarm, I recommend our closed telegram channel Marine Engineering Manuals.
Thank you for your attention! I hope this article was useful for you!

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