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Proximity switch. Replacing the revolution sensor on the purifier

Greetings! Today, the revolution sensor on the heavy fuel separator failed. In the instructions, it is called a proximity switch.

Proximity switch. Replacing the speed sensor on the purifier

This inductive speed sensor (proximity switch) installed in the separator detects the drop in speed on the horizontal shaft and sends an output signal to the multi-monitor equivalent to the amount of sludge discharged. 


Removing contamination from generator and electric motor windings using Electrosolv-E

Instructions for removing contamination from generator and electric motor windings using Electrosolve-E.

Removing contamination from generator and electric motor windings using Electrosolve-E

1. De-energize the generator. Switch off the heater. Remove the filters.

2. Check the insulation resistance of the stator. Check the insulation resistance of the rotor, observing safety precautions.

3. Provide maximum convenient access to the stator and rotor windings.

4. Apply clean undiluted Electrosolve-E to all accessible surfaces with a brush or spray for pre-soaking. The product must be able to saturate all the dirt accumulated on the windings. It is advisable to turn the rotor for good access. Do not be afraid to apply the product to the terminals and bare wires.

5. Electrosolve-E will flow down into the bottom of the generator. A drain for the accumulated product must be provided.


Cathodic Protection of a Ship. What is MGPS, ICCP, Shaft Earthing Device?

Cathodic protection of a ship is a method of preventing corrosion of the metal surfaces of a ship, especially the underwater part of the hull and submerged metal structures such as propellers and rudders.

Cathodic Protection of a Ship. What is MGPS, ICCP, Shaft Earthing Device?

There are two main types of cathodic protection: sacrificial protection and protection using an external current source.


How to read electrical diagrams on a ship? Main engine turning gear operation diagram

Greetings! You have motivated me to write this article. Thank you for your comments to the previous article "Installing a timer in the electrical diagram of the main engine turning gear" and in social network groups. In fact, writing such articles takes a lot of time and effort, so motivation and support are needed. And it is enough to just write a positive review ;)

How to read electrical diagrams on a ship? Main engine turning gear operation diagram

In this article I will try to explain in simple language the principle of reading electrical circuits on a ship using the example of the main engine turning gear device.


Boiler safety devices. A quick check for the surveyor

Greetings! In this article I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main safety devices of auxiliary boiler on a ship that inspectors like to check. It does not matter which inspector came to the ship (PSC, flag, annual surveyor, etc.), usually the checks are not much different.

Boiler safety devices. A quick check for the surveyor

Surveyors mainly look at how critical protections work (selectively), i.e. those protections that stop the boiler (shutdown protection). They are not very concerned with auxiliary signals (alarms). But it is necessary to be prepared for everything, i.e. for the fact that the inspector can check the auxiliary alarms of the boiler. 

Boiler does not switch to the second stage. Troubleshooting

Greetings! Here is another article about boiler malfunctions and this time we will analyze an interesting case when the Miura boiler does not switch to the second stage in automatic mode, while there are no visible problems or alarms.

Boiler does not switch to the second stage. Troubleshooting

In fact, the problem was that the boiler could not increase pressure and stop, it was working all the time. After that, it was noticed that it did not use the second stage (High Combustion) to supply more fuel to the injector.


The Bermuda Triangle. The telephone exchange is going crazy, random calls on the ship

On every ship, there are many different episodes with systems and equipment that can be explained and that defy any logic. But with years of practice, you understand that everything that happens on the ship with systems and equipment can be analyzed from a scientific point of view. Even if some outright "miracles" occur that do not fit in the head.

The Bermuda Triangle. The telephone exchange is going crazy, random calls on the ship

In this short story, I want to tell a story that happened with the telephone exchange on the ship. One fine day, random calls began to come to the cabins of the crew members at night, when people were sleeping. This continued for about two days. At first, they did not attach any importance to this, since only two people complained and decided that someone simply mixed up the cabin number when dialing.


Need service! Autoprime Autronica Fire Alarm System. Troubleshooting

Greetings! Another article in the "blog" section, here I want to share with you some thoughts about the service that periodically has to be ordered for ships for the purpose of repair or maintenance of various ship systems.

Need service! Autoprime Autronica Fire Alarm System. Troubleshooting

Let me remind you that in the articles in the "blog" category I do not write some super useful information. It can be just some thoughts, reasoning or interesting stories from the sea life of an electrician. Although even in these articles someone will find something useful for themselves.

It so happened that the ship's Autoprime Autronica fire alarm completely failed. Of course, for the ETO and the entire crew this is a real headache. For the electrician, this is an endlessly long and laborious process of troubleshooting, for the management - endless correspondence with the office and superintendents, for the rest of the crew - additional watches. In general, everyone is tense, and especially the electrician.


Starlink Flat High Performance. Installing the antenna on a vessel and connecting via VSAT

Greetings! In this article, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the process of installing the Starlink Flat High Performance antenna on a vessel, as well as the nuances of connecting the system to the ship's Internet via VSAT.

Starlink Flat High Performance. Installing the antenna on a vessel and connecting via VSAT

If you follow the site, you know that many articles have already been published on the "home" starlink, which is used by sailors on ships (the list is available at the end of the publication) and now it's finally the turn of the "marine" starlink.

Mikrotik and Starlink on a ship. Problems and solutions

Greetings! I continue the topic of using Starlink in ship conditions in conjunction with Mikrotik. And in this article I will describe the problems that arise during the operation of Mikrotik on a ship, as well as solutions to these problems.

Mikrotik and Starlink on a ship. Problems and solutions

As it turned out, using MikroTik on a ship is a "real pleasure". It seems like you set everything up and forgot about it, but no. Periodically, something does happen. In my case, not having enough experience with it, some problems began to appear that I did not foresee in advance.

Setting up Mikrotik. If you need information on how to set up Mikrotik for Starlink, then read the article: "Starlink REV4 + Mikrotik. Monitoring Internet traffic on a ship using Mikrotik".

In this article, I will not only describe the problems and solutions, but will also try to add fresh knowledge as I gain experience with Mikrotik.